Haylie IsaacsonSEPTEMBER 2016

Getting ready for the September retreat was a completely different experience from the first two. We had a larger team and it was a lot more organized when we shared. I liked how the team was larger because we had more ideas and opinions being shared. It made the planning a little challenging at times, due to disagreement, but we were never stuck on what to talk about next. The meetings pace was also great, just like the other meetings in preparation for the February and April retreats. At the September retreat, I had a lot of fun. I loved how we were seated at assigned tables, so that we could get to know new faces, rather than staying in our comfort zones. The skits were probably my favorite part of the day, just because of how funny it was to watch adults, play the part of a child for ten minutes. It was so much fun watching everyone participate with joy and laughter. For hands on learners, it made the experience more enjoyable than reading three separate stories.

As I mentioned before, this retreat was a lot different compared to the last two. I think that both Pastor Terry Moe and Pastor Robyn, did a marvelous job. Like last time, I am sad to say that the retreats went by so fast. I loved participating in all of them; whether I was speaking in front of everyone by reading or participating in art, music or skits: I had a blast.


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Hailey Isaacson’s Third Retreat