Michelle PiscitelliThe third and last Ecofaith recovery retreat was very bittersweet. Getting to work with not one, but TWO pastors was a lot of fun. Hearing all the ideas that were being formulated in the planning meetings and starting to visualize how the retreat was going to go made me very excited. Talking about justice and injustice in our world isn’t always easy. With so many people, and so many different ideas not everyone is sure how it’s all going to work out. That was one thing I was worried about going into the retreat.

However once the retreat started and we dove into some of the topics my worries were tossed aside. This was a great group of people all coming here to get something out of the day. I realized that injustices in our food, and water, and shelter and overall community, isn’t something in a far away land. It’s in our daily lives and surrounding our neighborhoods. I noticed that I needed to be more aware of this and start working towards reform and improvement. However while I enjoyed the retreat, I’m a little thankful that some of the stress surrounding it is over. Overall while I may have been nervous talking in front of a big group of people I’m very thankful I got to take on a leadership role in this retreat.


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Third and Last Ecofaith Recovery Retreat (by Intern Michelle Piscitelli)