The Morning After

Dick Harmon


This morning, the morning after the large and perhaps growing day, the kairos-day of climate-wakers, I looked over the media exposure and mostly it was good.

Mostly, except of course for the shrinking ex-violets of the Oregonian, which as far as I could see, ignored our local march; they probably thought the AP dispatch covering the rest of the world waking up was enough. Local substance is unimportant.

But the good media stuff pictures all over the New York Times front page (I know, I’m old-fashioned) got me to imagining. Consider, please:

Sun flowers. They were all over the march in New York. What do sunflowers mean to us? Could sunflowers be a symbol for this growing movement? Are sunflowers awake? Are they hardy? Are they multi-color, short and tall, knowing but joyous?

Life-right. I was reading a statement by Bishop Tutu, who called climate change “the human rights issue of our time,” said, wait a minute. Who and what else has a sake in this uprising? What wrong about that picture?

What happens to our imagination, our world-view, and our understanding of power when our language preserves our separation from all of life and its support systems?

So, how about life-right? What do sunflowers have to do with life-right? Of course, that requires of us re-conceiving ourselves as right-living, because we trust life as gift. Hmmm.

In Biocommons lingo, of Yes/No/Yes, this shakes out as the second Yes, our Great Work as Yes, with Less.

Late this morning after, I didn’t need a Bloody Mary, or more sleep. But I did go out and buy a small bouquet for some 700,000 human adults and children who yesterday acted for all of life. Sunflowers: Fools for Earth’s life systems, for Creation. Imagine that.



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The Morning After (by EcoFaith Leader Dick Harmon)