Dear friends,

Relationships (Practice 2) are the beating heart of EcoFaith Recovery. They are also the beating heart of my own life, from the beginning of my memory. God has always been (well, except for that confused first year of college) my deepest relationship.

I feel God’s presence in PCEF, in its full-court press for social justice, clean jobs training and climate action. God is my guiding force, not a glamorous, explosive force like in Star Wars, but a quiet, utterly vital force, like the underground aquifers that make life in the arid West possible.

God built us to be in relationship with each other, like swimmers for water. It naturally flows, then, that EcoFaith’s answer to “How do we help PCEF pass?” is “Relationally”.

We’re asking each person receiving this email to schedule a PCEF get-together/event, inviting people with whom you have any type of relationship. The events should be scheduled for September and early October. At our upcoming monthly EcoFaith meeting we’ll talk about our upcoming events, and help set them up for success.

Please RSVP today for:
EcoFaith Monthly Meeting
Saturday September 8th
9:30 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Location TBA

Our PCEF gatherings we each organize can take many forms:

  • A PCEF forum/talk in a church setting. Chris Bekemeier of Central Lutheran and Tyler Wagner of St. Ignatius are doing this.
  • A house party in one’s home, inviting fellow church members and/or friends, family, neighbors. I will be doing this.
  • A sermon/message on PCEF at your church, whether by your minister, or a guest speaker like you or me or another EcoFaith leader
  • A brown-bag lunch at your workplace
  • A coffee gathering for your neighbors

You don’t have to speak at the event you organize; an EcoFaith leader can step up for that role, if you like. Our purpose in these PCEF gatherings is to let people know that we believe in and support PCEF, and are asking them to support it, too

Example of the clean jobs training that PCEF will fund if Portland voters pass it in November.


Our relational webs are our beating hearts, like pulse-points of God. They are where our greatest power lies, the healthy kind of power that creates change and builds the beloved community. I’m looking forward to throwing my house party for PCEF, and to helping you and others do your own relational events.

Never miss a blog post or other important PCEF updates by joining the JustEnergyTransition listserve. Email to sign up.

The Beating Heart of EcoFaith, PCEF, and our power — please take this action before Sat. Sept. 8 Alison Wiley, EcoFaith Leader from Lincoln Street Methodist in Portland (August 29, 2018)
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