There is no single way to be a leader in EcoFaith Recovery. Different leaders from different contexts living in different parts of the country choose to live out their faith in the public arena in different ways. Rev. Janet Parker,
“Beyond Fossil Fuels: Grounding for Action, the first 4 months” By EcoFaith leader Solveig Nilsen-Goodin
[Note from Admin: This text is taken from a recap of all the Beyond Fossil Fuels Grounding for Action meetings. Solveig introduced it “as a way of looking back at where we’ve been and discerning our way forward.” Thanks for
Reflecting upon my Lenten Discipline (by Pastor Solveig Nilsen-Goodin, a teacher/leader in our Biocommons course)
[Along with the Wilderness Way Community and its friends, Pastor Solveig Nilsen-Goodin’s Lenten discipline is to spend 10-20 minutes OUTSIDE, every day for 40 days in prayer/meditation/just being (rain or shine)! What follows is her reflection on her practice of