Reflections on Intention, Balance, and Grace by Meg Bender-Stephanski, EcoFaith Intern

EcoFaith Intern Haylie Isaacson is working and collaborating with our other high school interns Michelle Piscitelli and Chase Isaacson on the Returning to the Rhythms of God retreats offered throughout 2016. Returning to the Rhythms of God by Listening for God’s Heartbeat
David Holmgren, a permaculturalist and ecologist, identifies four major possibilities the world face in light of the twin giants of peak oil and anthropogenic climate change. He plots these possibilities with respect to the rate of fossil fuel collapse and
Would you risk being baptized in your local river or pond? In many places–such as northeastern Indiana where I use to live immersing oneself in a local water body nowadays means exposure to a bath of chemicals and coliform bacteria
Recently in my life I have had the opportunity to be a part of the planning team for a few major projects. One of these was the EcoFaith Youth Camp (each summer the EcoFaith Youth camp offers interactive events for High
I’m in recovery. I’m recovering from a shamed-based, product-oriented, industrial-growth model society. I’m also recovering from a year of discovery. About a year and a half ago, I started my journey with EcoFaith Recovery. As I write this blog,
My name is Elizabeth Herzfeldt-Kamprath, I am an intern for EcoFaith Recovery and my project is to learn more about you! I have been working on my project for about a year now and I think I am finally getting
The Culture of Stuff Compared to many people, I am pretty well off. While my parents are not rich, I get lots of presents at Christmas and for my birthday. Even if I don’t want many things and evade the
Millionaires and Criminals Along with environmental and health consequences, it is also worth considering the consequences of the culture that is fostered in these “boom towns.” Sympathizers will note the resurgence and stimulus in a small, local all-American town and