Tuesday, October 16th, 6:00 – 8:00 pm

St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 12405 SW Butner Road, Beaverton

Come out for a “taste” of the Simply in Season experience which has already helped so many people connect their faith with their food, and the land and farmworkers who produce it!

What is Simply in Season?

The Simply in Season cookbook and small group study guide were published by theMennoniteChurch a few years ago to help make connections between Christian faith, spirituality, and the impact our food purchase and production choices have on ourselves, our neighbors and all of God’s creation. The Simply in Season cookbook helps participants prepare healthy, sustainable meals and offers reflections by people of faith on the connections between food, faith and daily life. The study guide is a small group resource for exploring these themes in community with others.


What is a Simply in Season small group?

Groups typically meet in member homes or at the church, twice a month for 6 – 12 months. Participants in small groups use the cookbook to try out and share seasonal recipes with each other. Together, group members also engage in Bible study, activities and discussion questions which help group members consider the spiritual practices they can embody through their daily food choices and other actions they can take individually or together.


How can I learn, participate and/or join a small group?

Please RSVP no later than Sunday, October 14th to join us for this informational potluck. Bring a potluck dish which celebrates fresh, local foods or the spirit of more-with-less! At the end of the evening, you can sign up to join a group with others. We also welcome you to bring members from your own congregation, and use this opportunity to launch one or more congregational groups that can either meet at your church, a member’s home, or with groups from other congregations that will meet first and third Tuesdays from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at St. Andrew.

For more information or to RSVP, please contact Pastor Robyn Hartwig by Sunday, October 14th at pastorrobyn@ecofaithrecovery.org or (503) 646-0629 x 211. Childcare will be provided from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. (after the meal) if we know by Oct. 14th that it is needed and the ages of any children who will be present.


p.s. If you click the link in the upper left sidebar of any page at test.ecofaithrecovery.org, you can sign up to receive these Lenten reflections and subsequent blog posts directly to your email account. We welcome you to share them with others.

Simply in Season: Potluck, Introduction & Small Group Kick-Off (Please join us)
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