Good morning, all!
I don’t know about you, but I would love to be gathering signatures RIGHT NOW for PCEF (Portland Clean Energy Fund).
Practice 5 — take action — is the most comfortable practice for me (makes me feel empowered).
And now it looks like the date to start gathering signatures is pushed out to May 1st. Aarrgh.
Happily, I’ve found two actions I can take right now.
One is getting PCEF information into my church’s weekly Sunday bulletins.
Here is what will appear in Lincoln St Methodist Church’s bulletin this week:
(you might use different wording tailored to your own church)
Fifty faith leaders in Portland, including our own Elizabeth Winslea, have already endorsed the ballot initiative called Portland Clean Energy Fund (PCEF). Formerly called P-JET (Portland Just Energy Transition), this measure would fund climate justice projects like solar panels, weatherization and community gardens. It would create green jobs with a particular focus on low-income and minority populations, via a funding mechanism of a 1% surcharge on retail sales of large corporations. PCEF expresses our core Christian values of social justice and Creation care. Stay tuned: in May and June, 43,000 signatures of Portland registered voters will be needed to get PCEF onto the November ballot. Little-known fact: while churches may not endorse political candidates, they may, and sometimes do, choose to endorse ballot initiatives and measures.
The second thing I’m doing with my co-chair Scott Shurtleff is working with the wonderful list of faith leaders
I referred to above (see attachment).
The majority of the churches of the faith leaders who have endorsed PCEF are not yet connected
to our Ecofaith work (I believe it was 350pdx who secured the leaders’ endorsements).
Scott and I would like to connect them to our shared work.
Problem: the attached list of faith leaders mostly does not list the leaders’ congregations.
Are any of you willing and able to do Google research to add church names next to faith-leader names?
Please reply to me if you are ((don’t reply-all).
I hope to divide the list between two or more volunteers.
This would really help with outreach and signature-gathering.
Thanks in advance!
Please also find attached a beautiful two-pager on PCEF — great for unde
(actually my minister from my college days).
I’m sorry I won’t be attending the training on April 7th for that reason.
But I’ll see you on April 14th!
Thanks and blessings,
Alison Wiley
Co-Chair, Ecofaith arm of PCEF campaign