Minda Jerde- Communications Intern
Minda Jerde is a Senior Sociology and Hispanic Studies student at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington. Minda was hired for the summer of 2012 to help continue developing and expanding the communications aspect of EcoFaith Recovery including the website, newsletter, and blog for the organization.
Minda’s background is mainly in the fields of immigration and women’s issues. Minda has worked with refugees, immigrants, and their children in the United States and Mexico teaching English and serving as a resettlement counselor for a healthy transition to the United States. She also assisted in translation for a non-profit public health organization while studying abroad in Morocco. Minda has as well worked at a Lutheran summer camp in Hillside, Colorado and is excited to serve as a Campus Ministry Steward this coming year at PLU.
In college, Minda finds great satisfaction working as a Sexual Assault Peer Educator with the Women’s Center on campus, giving presentations about the prevalence of gendered based violence on college campuses nationwide and educating students on the role they play in ending this violence. Minda also has served as a Residential Assistant in two different buildings at PLU and will be the Assistant Manager for the upper-classman residential hall at PLU next year.