Karin was born and raised in the Portland area. She’s attended St. James Lutheran Church for her entire life and is now a member of the church council. Her connection with St. James and the people there is very important to her. Some of the most memorable and impactful experiences have been ones surrounding her mission trips. Karin went with the group to Mexico for two years before that program went on hiatus. This year she has been a part of the leadership group resurrecting the program and it has been very interesting to see another side of the planning process and be a part of it. This fall they will be going to Taos, New Mexico and she is very excited about the trip.
Karin attended Pacific Lutheran University and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in physical education. She recently completed her master’s degree in sport psychology. Karin is currently a soccer coach for a local competitive club. They play and train year round. The kids she coaches range in age from 10-18 and that is a big part of the reason she has an interest with working with people of those ages in other ways.
Her project will focus on the EcoFaith Youth Camp and will serve as a table leader for the Fall 2014 Organizing in the Biocommons course.
Karin’s blog posts:
Planning the EcoFaith Youth Camp – November 11th, 2014
Epistemological Humility – December 10, 2014