Watch the intro video below and then sign up to receive a FREE copy of our Lenten Devotional sent to your email address. You can use this with your faith community or with a group of your friends or family. This a great resource to use any time of the year. As Advent approaches consider A Grounded Faith as a resource to reflect and ground in the season of waiting.
Learn more about this devotional and how to use it in the video above!

Dive deep with a Lenten devotional, A Grounded Faith, as a companion to Becoming Rooted or a stand-alone resource, tailored to a Christian context dealing with such themes as land acknowledgement, repentance, taking responsibility for participation in domination systems such as white supremacy, the legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery, etc.
The devotional invites participants to reconnect with our Creator and with Creation as a core dimension of Christian practice. Seven authors from diverse backgrounds will lead readers through the 40 days of Lent with Scripture, excerpts from Randy’s book, reflections, and suggested practices. Each day’s entry contains a Scripture passage, an excerpt from Becoming Rooted, a reflection by one of the writers, and a suggested practice for the day.
A Grounded Faith, inspired by Randy Woodley’s book, Becoming Rooted: One Hundred Days of Reconnecting with Sacred Earth, was designed by EcoFaith Recovery as a Lenten devotional to use as a companion to Becoming Rooted or as a stand-alone resource.
This devotional may be purchased in either digital or print form from Barclay Press. Discounts are available if you order more than five copies. For questions about using A Grounded Faith during Lent, feel free to contact Janet Parker,
Available digital and print. Order from Barclay Press here.
Authors include:
- Tommy Airey, co-founder of, author of Descending Like a Dove: Adventures in Decolonizing Evangelical Christianity (2018)
- Cherice Bock, Theology Professor, Creation Justice Advocate for Oregon Interfaith Power and Light
- Michael Ellick, UCC Pastor, Director of Public Engagement for Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
- Joshua Grace, Street artist, intercultural learner & educator, board member of Eloheh
- Solveig Nilsen-Goodin, ECLA Pastor and Spiritual Director, EcoFaith Recovery Leader
- Janet Parker, UCC pastor, Christian ethicist, EcoFaith Recovery Leader
- Jim Sequeira, Pastor, Cascade View Covenant Church, board member of Eloheh
I’m not sure a few words will encapsulate what this season of Lent with the Grounded Faith devotional and Wednesday evening gatherings has meant to me. For the first time in years I feel moved and prepared for the coming Easter celebration. In past years, many of them, I felt a bit like a fraud, celebrating at the finish line without having done the training or completing the run.
Grounded Faith brought me back to basic thoughts on what Lenten preparation means and in a context that was powerful and so appropriate for where the world is today. I loved the short daily readings with the time in between to reflect, and there was much to reflect on. And connecting not only to indigenous experiences, but also the natural world was very moving this season. I spent so much time reflecting on “wilderness” and what the “wildernesses” in my life have been and are. That led me to reflect on what tempts me in the wilderness and what my culpability is in the present state of the world because of those temptations (e.g., consumerism, individualism, competitiveness…). Lastly I want to say that the Wednesday evening gatherings were so rewarding. I was amazed by the richness of perspective. I once heard someone say that the reason children won’t listen to their parents but will take the same advice from other adults is that you can’t be a prophet in your own village. There’s a lot of truth to that, but these Wednesday evenings made me realize that every seat in our church is filled with a prophet in our midst. We just need to listen to the prophets in our own village. I’m so glad I did. I’m still reeling and processing what I’ve experienced and I’m a very concrete, sequential type of personality. I’m not generally a reflective, centering prayer kind of person so for me to be this moved, this challenged, and this reflective days and weeks later, is really amazing to me.
– Chad Darby, Spirit of Grace Lutheran Roman Catholic Community in Beaverton, Oregon
Prices for A Grounded Faith:
- Click here to order the printable pdf or ebook = $3 (ebook available in epub or mobi format—both work on Kindle and other devices)
- Click here to order the print copy: (5.5 x 8.5 booklet) = $12
- Barclay Press will offer a 20 percent discount to anyone who orders five or more copies ($9.60 per book)
- Barclay Press will offer a 25 percent discount to anyone who orders ten or more copies ($9 per book)
- Barclay is making shipping and handling free on all orders of this book!