EcoFaith Recovery seeks to deepen education and understanding of the ways in which we continue to shadow our history of harm and genocide. There are many ways that you and your community can engage and more deeply understand the land on which you live as well as the first peoples who lived on these lands, the displacements and traumas colonial powers inflicted upon them, and the living members of these communities who still live on these lands today. In seeking to engage in themes of relationship and repair, EcoFaith Recovery has many options of ways we can engage and educate our communities over the year to come. 


Here we hope to engage communities in relationship and repair with indigenous communities in Northwest Oregon. Below you will find many opportunities to engage with these themes if you are interested in one or many of these opportunities please fill out the form below or email for more information. We look forward to beginning this journey of repair together.

Option 1: Dipping our Toes into the Waters

Becoming Kin: An Indigenous Call to Unforgetting the Past and Reimagining Our Future

Start your own book study within your community!

More information here.

If you are interested and need guidance you can reach out to to see what past book studies have looked like.


Option 2: Wading into the Waters

Engage your community in the The Land Is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery by Sarah Augustine.
This is 6 (hour long) sessions using a study guide
Plus about 1 to 2 chapters of reading in preparation for each session

If you are interested in engaging your community with this book you can sign up for a free book below using the form!

Option 3: Diving in Deep

Engage in the new Just Faith series for groups called The Land Is Not Our Own: Seeking Repair Alongside Indigenous Communities which makes use of Sarah Augustine’s book The Land Is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery by Sarah Augustine. as well as Living Nations, Living Words: An Anthology of First Peoples Poetry, ed Joy Harjo,
Full 8 two hour sessions outlined by Just Faith, plus an immersion experience.
About 90 minutes for reading and homework in between sessions as well.

Option 4: Deepening Relationships

Opportunities to partner with other faith communities to deepen relationships with indigenous- led tribes and other organizations to deepen precautions, respect and knowledge of how we can seek repair together.


Sign up for any or all of the above with the form below! Or email for more informatio

Get a FREE book for your community!