Join the Conversation – November 9th, 2017

via ZOOM WebConferencing from 5:00-6:30pm

There would not be enough hours in the day for the number of petitions we are being asked to sign, marches we are being invited to participate in, or meetings through which I am being invited to organize. More than one person has asked me “How do I know what to show up for?” I often have the same question. I know I am called to show up for many things these days. But I will burn out if I show up for everything. I shared with those who have signed up for the Daily Practice email list some of the ways I am grounding myself in Practice #5: “Act Together.” The personal dimension of this practice reminds us to, “discern our unique call to participate with others in organized actions for the sake of mending the brokenness in our communities and restoring our connection to the places we live.”  What are the ways you have been learning to do this? What inspiration might we gain from each other?

If you would like to join me in some EcoFaith homework this month, I would suggest that we each do this:

1) Write one page on “What criteria or process am I using (or might I like to use) to determine where/how I show up and where/how I do not.” Then…

2) Join me and others for a Zoom webcam call from your computer, tablet or smartphone on
Thursday, November 9th, 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. PST where some of us will choose to share what we wrote and we can all have conversation on how our own learnings and The Practices for Awakening Leadership 
are expanding our capacity to both show up AND restore balance. (Just send me an email to with the title “Join Practice 5 Webcam call” if you want to show up for this conversation and I will send you the log in link.)

After sharing some of my own strategies with the Daily Practice listserve, I concluded with, “These are not easy times and I cry often over significant losses. I think God does, too. But I am also seeking to let this indwelling God develop in me a kind of spiritual resilience capable of staying engaged for the long haul while finding hope and joy rising up even out of the heartbreak and the ashes.” Thankfully… it is working.