Each week, local faith communities are ritualizing their care for God’s creation in new and exciting ways. When we creatively incorporate our values into our worship, we are acting our way into new ways of thinking about the earth and expressing our humanity. Here are just two of the exciting opportunities to which I was invited this week:

From Pastor Brian Brandt and Mission of the Atonement in Beaverton:

Reclaiming Creation is the theme for this Sunday, October 21, at Mission of the Atonement in Beaverton. October is Creationtide at MoTA: a season celebrating God’s presence in creation. Reclaiming Creation, the theme for the Third Sunday of Creationtide, explores how God reclaims creation so it can serve God’s purposes instead of staying stuck in the grip of evil powers. Pastor Solveig Nilsen-Goodin will preach and preside at two services, 8:30 & 10:45 a.m. Pastor Brian Brandt will lead the Adult Forum (9:45 a.m.) exploring how humans practice Reclaiming Creation as an expression of God’s love and care for creation.  MoTA is located at 7400 SW Scholls Ferry Road, Beaverton.”

And from Pastor Solveig Nilsen-Goodin of Wilderness Way:

“Hi all! This Sunday for Wilderness Way we’ll be walking the trails at the Audubon Society, soaking in the wisdom of the scripture of nature, re-membering and re-connecting with our non-human earth family whose body we share. Who knows what the weather will be by Sunday, but whatever it is, we will be experiencing it!

Meet at the Interpretive Center on Cornell Road at 2:00. We’ll gather, set the intention for our time, and walk together for an hour or so. We’ll have 3 – 5 kids with us at least, so we’ll have the delight of joining them in awe, wonder and re-connection as well!
Directions Audubon Society of Portland
If you would like to carpool, let me know and we’ll figure it out together.

After the walk we can caravan to one of our homes (we’re deciding between two right now) and spend the rest of the afternoon delighting in one another and delicious food!

If you’re able, please bring something to share at the potluck. If not, there’s always “enough for everyone!”
FYI, we tend toward gluten- and dairy-free. If you bring something with gluten or dairy, just make sure to let us know. If you have other dietary preferences or restrictions, let us know!

Looking forward to enjoying sabbath with you!

Wild blessings,


p.s. If you click the link in the upper left sidebar of any page at test.ecofaithrecovery.org, you can sign up to receive these Lenten reflections and subsequent blog posts directly to your email account. We welcome you to share them with others.

Join Mission of the Atonement and Wilderness Way in connecting with God’s creation this weekend!