EcoFaith Recovery is partnering with Pacific Lutheran Thological Seminary and other West coast seminaries to offer an internship practicum. The practicum is a project identified in conversation with EcoFaith Leaders, that will engage both the interests and gifts of the intern as well as the practices of EcoFaith Recovery. The project will be a part of the Seminarian’s year-long internship and will engage their internship communities in some campaign for Environmental Justice.

Interns will be asked to do the following:

  • Attend the EcoFaith Weekend Institute
  • Identify a local mentor with whom they can meet at least once a month.
  • Participate once a month in an intern cohort virtual meeting.
  • Track their weekly hours on the project.
  • Write a reflection/report halfway through completion of their project, as well as when they have finished the internship.

For further questions, or to ask for an application, email and