Top of Angel's Rest in the Gorge
Top of Angel’s Rest in the Gorge

I wish to offer a very warm hello to the EcoFaith Recovery community. I’m Rachael Johnson the new Office Admin for EcoFaith Recovery. I recently moved to Portland from Chicago, IL. I’ve known about EcoFaith for many years from working at Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries as the Operations & Communications Coordinator. I have a background in working for non-profits, specializing in communications, development and special events. As I was leaving Chicago Robyn and I connected, she explained EcoFaith was looking for a new Office Admin. This wonderful coincidence/fate led me to working for EcoFaith Recovery.

Born and raised in Chicago (with a few years in Washington, D.C) I realized it was time for a complete lifestyle change. I visited Oregon in February and fell in love. My boyfriend Johannes and our dog Roman road tripped across the country this August. I come to the Pacific Northwest looking for closer connections to nature, snowboarding in real mountains and growing a garden using permaculture principles. I’m looking forward to continuing to meet and work with you.

Please feel free to drop me a line at Hiking suggestions are welcome!


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Greetings & a bit about me (by EcoFaith Office Admin Rachael Johnson)