Thank you to donors for your support of EcoFaith Recovery for the past 14 years, for your commitment to the recovery of human life, and the healing of God’s Creation.
As we come to the end of this year, we are reaching out to ask you to support EcoFaith Recovery with a sustaining donation of $10 or more. If you are already a Sustaining Donor, or have already donated in 2024 – thank you! If you can increase your monthly donation, the total amount of “new” funds for the year will count for the matching grant of $6,000.00!
For many of us, the challenges of this present time feel enormous, threatening to overwhelm. The “Climate Denier” voices continue to gain power and our country can feel deeply divided. We are threatened that the next Administration will reverse many of the positive changes that we the people have worked so hard to achieve. There is truly much to fear.
And yet, when we take time to ground ourselves spiritually (EcoFaith Practice #1), we hear God’s voice saying, “Do not be anxious….” Breathe, my friends. Listen for God’s still, small voice saying, “Do not fear, for I am with you.” (Isaiah 41).
Perhaps now more than ever, we need the Practices of EcoFaith Recovery. We need to hold fast to our relationships (Practice #2), cultivating this source of power ever more deeply. We need to tell our stories and listen to the stories of others (Practice #3), inspiring each other — recognizing and claiming our power to make a difference.
Please, right now, take time to consider becoming an EcoFaith Sustaining Donor at $10 (or more) a month. Thank you!