April 30th Conference Call

7:00-8:15 PST

Interfaith Organizing for Our Children’s Trust

Join us at this link – https://zoom.us/j/108722618

You are invited to a meeting with the organizers for Our Children’s Trust (Youth v. Gov) to discuss faith community networking for their upcoming court appearance before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Portland. OCT is planning a massive rally on June 4th at Director Park to demonstrate public support for the 21 Juliana v. United States youth plaintiffs and would like supportive members of the Portland faith community to be present. If you would like more information about Our Children’s Trust and/or would like to mobilize your networks, please join this video conference for more information.

Here’s a brief overview of the agenda for the call:
* Welcome and Introductions by Rev. Robyn Hartwig, Pastor/Organizer of EcoFaith Recovery
* Spiritual Grounding
* Background and context on the lawsuit by Eowyn Soran, Outreach Coordinator for Our Children’s Trust
* Stories about why this matters, led by Rev. Janet Parker
* Details on the June 4 hearing and rally, and what is needed from the faith communities by Eowyn Soran
* Conversation about how those of us on this call can organize our faith communities and our faith judicatories, EMO, and potentially others

[aio_button align=”center” animation=”pulse” color=”green” size=”medium” icon=”none” text=”RSVP HERE” relationship=”dofollow” url=”http://www.ecofaithrecovery.org/events-2/join-us/”]


[aio_button align=”center” animation=”pulse” color=”green” size=”small” icon=”none” text=”Printable Flyer” relationship=”dofollow” url=”http://www.ecofaithrecovery.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Poster-June-4th-Ninth-Circuit-Flyer-1.pdf”]

[aio_button align=”center” animation=”pulse” color=”green” size=”small” icon=”none” text=”Youth v. Gov Info Flyer” relationship=”dofollow” url=”http://www.ecofaithrecovery.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/OCT-Flyer-2019-1.pdf”]