Lutheran April 2015 coverEcoFaith Recovery is featured in the cover story “Restoring Creation with Faith” of the April issue in The Lutheran magazine.

Below is the opening of the article. Read the entirety of the article here, EcoFaith is the 7th group featured.

Hope, love, commitment and communal responsibility echo throughout their lives and work, and are woven into all they say and do. Hope for the planet; love for God, neighbor and all of creation; commitment to reducing energy use and fossil fuel consumption; and responsibility for each other and the earth.

The six people, one faith-based environmental organization and two congregations on these pages are working daily to care for creation. They have different concerns: some focus on local projects that build community; others fight shale gas hydrofracturing and the Keystone Pipeline; while still others teach, write and train others into action.

But the driving force behind all their work is an activism that has been shaped by faith.

Reprinted from The Lutheran magazine April 2015 issue. Subscribe at


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EcoFaith Recovery Featured in The Lutheran Magazine
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