Storing Food without Single-Use Plastic (by LuAnn Staul, Community Carbon Team Member at St. Andrew Lutheran Church)
Choked by Plastic Pollution (by Carol Harker, Community Carbon Team Member at St. Andrew Lutheran Church)
Introducing Our New Communications Intern!
Can the Soil Save Us from Climate Crisis? (An Excerpt from the book The Soil Will Save Us, by Kristin Ohlson)
No More Equivocation: 11,000+ Scientists Raise the Alarm Learn How We Can Respond (from St. Andrew Lutheran Community Carbon Team)
When Fear is not Danger, and Comfort is not Safety: Sermon by Kateri Boucher (EcoFaith Recovery Practicum Intern)
Carbon in the Soil of Suburban Yards (by Eric Luttrell, EcoFaith Leader from St. Andrew Lutheran)
For the Healing of the Nations (by Rev. Mark Brocker from St. Andrew Lutheran Church Beaverton, Oregon)
In advance of the next court appearance of the Juliana youth plaintiffs who are suing the government for a national climate recovery plan, Pastor Mark Brocker of St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Beaverton, Oregon offered the following sermon on Sunday,
My Fear and My Hope by EcoFaith leader Tommy Navarre from St. Andrew Lutheran Church
Tommy Navarre is a high school senior who will soon be graduating from Sunset High School in Beaverton, Oregon. He was a member of St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Beaverton where he has served on the Eco-Reformation team that helped