[Note from Admin: This writing is from Dick Harmon, one of the facilitators for Organizing in the Biocommons Winter 2014 classes. Organizing in the Biocommons is for clergy and lay leaders of spiritual communities, congregations and networks who are asking:
“Beyond Fossil Fuels: Grounding for Action, the first 4 months” By EcoFaith leader Solveig Nilsen-Goodin
[Note from Admin: This text is taken from a recap of all the Beyond Fossil Fuels Grounding for Action meetings. Solveig introduced it “as a way of looking back at where we’ve been and discerning our way forward.” Thanks for
“The Fruit of Your Planting” by Barbara Lindekugel Groelz, EcoFaith Leader from St. Stephen Lutheran, Gladstone
[Note from Admin: This email from Barb Groelz to EcoFaith Recovery’s Pastor/Organizer was shared with Barb’s permission. Barb participated in EcoFaith Recovery’s Simply in Season Training and Care for Creation Training partnership with Lutherans Restoring Creation. Thanks for sharing the
Water (by EcoFaith Intern Elizabeth Herzfeldt-Kamprath)
Water I love living in the woods at camp. Surrounded by trees, by birds merrily waking up in the morning, by friends who enjoy being and experiencing the outdoors, by the sounds of what we call “Luther Creek” which winds
Greetings & a bit about me (by EcoFaith Office Admin Rachael Johnson)
I wish to offer a very warm hello to the EcoFaith Recovery community. I’m Rachael Johnson the new Office Admin for EcoFaith Recovery. I recently moved to Portland from Chicago, IL. I’ve known about EcoFaith for many years from working
EcoFaith Recovery Leaders Retreat (by EcoFaith Office Admin Rachael Johnson)
Nearly 40 EcoFaith Recovery leaders gathered on Saturday, September 28 at the YMCA’s beautiful Camp Collins in Gresham, Oregon to practice “ecofaith recovery” together. It was the First Annual EcoFaith Retreat and Engagement Day. The workshops focused on the theme-
Turning the Tables When Two Evangelists Show Up With Bibles at Your Front Door (by EcoFaith leader Camille Jackson)
[Note from Pastor Robyn Hartwig: This email from Camille was both entertaining and inspirational to me. With her permission, I forward it on to be posted on our blog. I hope you will appreciate it as much as I did!]
Wow. Almost there. And thanks. (by Nathan Holst, EcoFaith Recovery Intern)
6/13/13 Wow. Almost there. And thanks. Well, friends, I write this blog post in the few days before we start the Eco-faith Youth Project. There’s a lot still to be done in this bustling week, and I know it will
You mean I have to go all the way through with this? (by Nathan Holst, EcoFaith Recovery Intern)
5/6/13 I write this blog post tonight after another amazing meeting with what is now a 4 person team working on this Eco-faith Youth Project. This last month, Noah (who is part the youth group at Central Lutheran where I’m
Honesty and Two(!) Invitations (by Turtle Farahat, EcoFaith Recovery Intern)
Hello, friends! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your thoughtful, honest, and supportive responses to my last post. I asked you to imagine what it would be like for you to receive a treatment from a gift-economy practitioner. For