Wake early enough
And you will see me

                  At the outer edge
                  The fringe
                  The horizon

That light gently slipping in
From under the earth’s curve
Having steadily traveled all night
To reach you

The pigment seeping in
The foreground coming into focus

Once the bustle begins it’s easy to overlook
My unbroken blending
A day can appear as a one long length of light
Ending in darkness

But I am here all along

In the shadows that gradually stretch
And shift
In the steady arc of the sun

Don’t you see?
A day, a dawn
is not one moment you can point to
Twilight is not a cleaver
separating night from day

It is a movement

God separated the light from the darkness

God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night

there was evening and there was morning

And there was everything in between

Here is a self portrait:

I am every place earth melds into water
Every place water saturates earth
Every place the two become indistinct
As anything other than a whole function

Call me a tidal zone
A mangrove
A river overflowing its banks

Call me an estuary
The groundwater
A wetland teeming with life

I am water made solid
A glacier slowly carving
A landscape that is never static

I am water taking to the air
As a fog bank
As a storm

Here I am, the sky in our lungs
The ocean in every cell of our bodies

I am every body
Not entirely or neatly bounded
Every assemblage of beings who have tangled
to become a happening

The fungal hyphae meshed in the roots
Defining planthood as rightly as leaves

The whole choir of microbiota gathered
To compose your body

Light and dark
Day and night
Sky and sea
Sea and land

Who of this world can say
These are not continuums?

Go grab your coat

Come down to the marsh at twilight

The red-winged blackbirds will be coming home
To their nests of grass and mud
The frogs with shrinking tails
Will be singing full-throated

Sink your feet into the silky mud
Watch the light slip

                        and then tell me

That what is not clearly this or that
Is not real
That what is in transition
Is not natural

Better yet, tell the frogs
Who were just yesterday
More tadpole
Tell the twilight
That was moments ago
A bit brighter

No place in this world is as rich in life

As the ones that are both

The marsh
The reef
The rainforest

This is creation
You are standing in the thick of it
In the muck of it
                                 Tell me now

That what is not clearly this or that
Is not absolutely, absolutely

Write me out of your protections
If you will
Erase the possibility of me
Un-sanction my defiance

I will still see myself

                                     In every metamorphosis
                                     In every gradual dawning
                                     In every indefinite shoreline

                                     In everything in between
                                     In everything

~ Nic Caddell


And There Was Everything In Between – Nic Caddell