Hi EcoFaith Friends,

Several of us were at the PCEF campaign office on Monday, which was Turn-In Day. It was an exciting space with knowing that we had over 50,000 signatures by noon and people were still pouring in to the office to turn in more sheets. I didn’t stick around for the final count and the final count doesn’t really matter to me. We did what we set out to do!
EcoFaith Recovery contributed more than 2,500 of those signatures, which is truly amazing given that most of us didn’t have a clue what we were getting ourselves into at the start. I’m so grateful for each person’s contribution and, more importantly, your support and mentoring along the way. Our practices and relational organizing are powerful.

Now it’s time to celebrate this historic momentJoin me on Thursday, July 5 at 12 pm for a Press Conference & Rally at the Portland City Hall Plaza Courtyard (1221 SW 4th Ave), as we turn in many boxes of signature sheets to the City of Portland. It would be great to have a solid representation from our EcoFaith Recovery team. See invitation below and 

Let’s be visible as people of faith!

On Independence Day I’ll do my normal practice of reading the Declaration of Independence and listening to the reading on NPR. I’ve been doing this for many years; often subjecting my kids to yet another reading of the Declaration. I’ll interpret the words in their broadest senses. For example, I’ll interpret “Men” as “Humankind”. I’ll reflect upon the current forms of tyranny, where we are with respect to the audacious vision and what actions I should take now.
Last year’s reflection, along with several other “coincidences”, led me here. Thank you, Holy Spirit of “coincidences”.
I thank you for your commitment towards our acting together to gather 45,000 signatures for PCEF. We did that and so much more!
Peace be with you.

Never miss a blog post or other important PCEF updates by joining the JustEnergyTransition listserve. Email Office@EcoFaithRecovery.org to sign up.

A Big Practice 6 – Alison Wiley, EcoFaith Leader from Lincoln Street Methodist in Portland (July 3, 2018)

Hi EcoFaith Friends,

Several of us were at the PCEF campaign office on Monday, which was Turn-In Day. It was an exciting space with knowing that we had over 50,000 signatures by noon and people were still pouring in to the office to turn in more sheets. I didn’t stick around for the final count and the final count doesn’t really matter to me. We did what we set out to do!
EcoFaith Recovery contributed more than 2,500 of those signatures, which is truly amazing given that most of us didn’t have a clue what we were getting ourselves into at the start. I’m so grateful for each person’s contribution and, more importantly, your support and mentoring along the way. Our practices and relational organizing are powerful.
Now it’s time to celebrate this historic momentJoin me on Thursday, July 5 at 12 pm for a Press Conference & Rally at the Portland City Hall Plaza Courtyard (1221 SW 4th Ave), as we turn in many boxes of signature sheets to the City of Portland. It would be great to have a solid representation from our EcoFaith Recovery team. See invitation below and 

Let’s be visible as people of faith!

On Independence Day I’ll do my normal practice of reading the Declaration of Independence and listening to the reading on NPR. I’ve been doing this for many years; often subjecting my kids to yet another reading of the Declaration. I’ll interpret the words in their broadest senses. For example, I’ll interpret “Men” as “Humankind”. I’ll reflect upon the current forms of tyranny, where we are with respect to the audacious vision and what actions I should take now.
Last year’s reflection, along with several other “coincidences”, led me here. Thank you, Holy Spirit of “coincidences”.
I thank you for your commitment towards our acting together to gather 45,000 signatures for PCEF. We did that and so much more!
Peace be with you,
Scott Shurtleff
Co-chair, EcoFaith Recovery PCEF Cohort
A Big Practice 6!