Nearly 40 EcoFaith Recovery leaders gathered on Saturday, September 28 at the YMCA’s beautiful Camp Collins in Gresham, Oregon to practice “ecofaith recovery” together. It was the First Annual EcoFaith Retreat and Engagement Day.

The workshops focused on the theme- Building Power for the YES: Engagement and Leadership Development In Our Communities and Institutions. Leaders of all generations met from morning till late afternoon to share personal stories on how the environmental crisis is affecting them. There was a strong focus on taking these skills back to congregations and communities.

Literary legend Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a short story in only six words, in response retreat participants created six word stories to describe the day and the work to be done. I’d like to lift up some of the creations:

Dark Night. Soul searching. Community hope.

Falling away. Tender season. Roots deepen.

EcoCrisis and beloved leaders desire community.

Despair shared becomes outrageous hope.

Please share your own six word stories in the comment section below.

WebThe retreat ended with participants creating a ‘web of life’ out of orange yarn. Each participant shared something they will do moving forward with:

‘Yes I will, ____’

The lively, tangible web linking us all is at the right.

Special thank you to the Core Team, Camille Jackson for making the earth friendly centerpieces and EcoFaith t-shirts and the leaders who donated scholarship money for the retreat fees

Send us an email ( if you would like to get involved in the ministries of EcoFaith Recovery: Organizing in the BioCommons, Beyond Fossil Fuels, Simply in Season, Care for Creation, Internships, and Mentoring.


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EcoFaith Recovery Leaders Retreat (by EcoFaith Office Admin Rachael Johnson)
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