[Note from Pastor Robyn Hartwig: This email from Camille was both entertaining and inspirational to me. With her permission, I forward it on to be posted on our blog. I hope you will appreciate it as much as I did!]

My doorbell rang @10am yesterday morning and 2 men, about my age stood there with bibles in their hands and said to me, “Did I know about the destruction of the earth”. I will not go into details but I proceeded to tell them for about 45 minutes about the coal trains, the terminals, Keystone, etc and everything I was working against that was causing the destruction of the earth. I invited them to stop at St. Andrew’s and said to ask someone there to show them the restored wetlands. I told them all about EcoFaith Recovery and invited them to the fossil fuel committee meeting on Sept. 5th and I invited them to Cedar Hill United Church of Christ and told them about the Social Justice committee and the letter writing campaigns. I said as people of faith it is our job to protect God’s creation. I said if they were going door to door then it was their responsibility to let everyone know what is being done by people of faith to prevent the destruction of the earth and that everyone needed to work towards these goals and how they could help. The one guy that had posed the question to me said nothing and the other guy said he thought that I did have my work cut out for me and they left.

So, if two men show up at St. Andrew’s or CHUCC with suits on about my age with bibles in their hands, you will know I sent them!!!

Camille Jackson


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Turning the Tables When Two Evangelists Show Up With Bibles at Your Front Door (by EcoFaith leader Camille Jackson)