
Wow. Almost there. And thanks.

Well, friends, I write this blog post in the few days before we start the Eco-faith Youth Project. There’s a lot still to be done in this bustling week, and I know it will all come together, but right now I want to share some of why I feel so thankful to be a part of this.

First, I can’t imagine doing this amazing project without the help of the planning team: Noah, Kate, and Anna. They’re so amazing and I have to say at this point, even if we didn’t even do the camp (which we will!), I would say it has been worth it just to go through this process with each of them, all of us learning and growing together. There’s Anna with her consistent creative ideas and connections, Noah with his curiosity and dedication, and Kate with her insight and organization. I really am in awe of how this is coming together and it’s quite a privilege to be a part of this, living into my own call and developing my own leadership and organizational skills.

I also need share a big word of thanks to those mentors, teachers, and friends who have nurtured and supported me through this last year. Thanks to Dick Harmon, who mentored me every month this last year, helping me get clarity on the direction of the camp and connecting me with supportive people. Thanks to Robyn Hartwig for encouraging me to do this internship and helping make it possible to see this dream come to fruition through Eco-faith Recovery. Thanks to Solveig Nilsen-Goodin, who has been a friend and mentor these last number of years, and has supported me 100% of the way through this process. Thanks to Cecil Denny for helping me with ideas on how to make Economy fun and accessible and for giving me so many resources to use. Thanks to Ruth Nicodemus and Trista Jolly for agreeing to do some of the programming with the project. Thanks to Turtle Farahat for being such an amazing friend and “call companion” on this particular part of the journey.

I could go on with the overwhelming support from church folks, from co-workers, from friends, and even sometimes from strangers that heard about what I was doing and wanted to help. This is truly an amazing journey to be taking, and it’s experiences like this which remind me that community really is one of the most important things in my life. My community helps me see who I am, what my particular piece of the “Great Work” (as Thomas Berry calls it) is, and supports me in living into that call. I look forward to sharing this piece of the Great Work with the youth next week, and with you in the weeks to come.




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Wow. Almost there. And thanks. (by Nathan Holst, EcoFaith Recovery Intern)