From Cecil Denney (Member of the Lake Oswego United Methodist Church and Metropolitan Alliance for Common Good):

I heard about the Organizing in the Biocommons class from a good friend, who knew a couple of the instructors and I wanted to expand my understanding of some of the root causes for the state of our world affairs. It was well worth my time. The classes themselves were well organized, very informative, interactive, and introduced me to a number of people I would not otherwise have known. Of particular value to me was the integration of several brief spiritual exercises that integrated the “knowing about a topic and the “experience” of that knowledge. These exercises were not doctrinal, did not compel me to believe, just to experience the wholeness of creation in a way that informed the study. The readings between class were challenging and enriching. This is by far one of the best studies of the crisis our civilization faces. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of their place in our world today.

[To register for the upcoming class beginning September 28th, visit this page and click the registration link at the bottom of the page.]


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Organizing in the Biocommons Course by Cecil Denney
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