The Simply in Season food, faith, and fellowship experience has already helped so many people examine the connection between their faith, their food, and the land and workers who produce it!
Interested in attending future trainings or events? Email Rachael at
What is Simply in Season?
The Simply in Season cookbook and small group study guide were published by the Mennonite Church a few years ago to help make connections between Christian faith, spirituality, and the impact our food purchase and production choices have on ourselves, our neighbors and all of God’s creation. The Simply in Season cookbook helps participants prepare healthy, sustainable meals and offers reflections by people of faith on the connections between food, faith and daily life. The study guide is a small group resource for exploring these themes in community with others.
What is a Simply in Season small group?
Groups typically meet in member homes or at the church, twice a month for 6 – 12 months. Participants in small groups use the cookbook to try out and share seasonal recipes with each other. Together, group members also engage in Bible study, activities and discussion questions which help group members consider the spiritual practices they can embody through their daily food choices and other actions they can take individually or together.
February 11, 2014 Leaderà Training
The training took place Feb 11 from 6-8pm at St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Beaverton. This training began with a meal provided by the trainers. The meal included dishes made from recipes in the Simply in Season cookbook. The evening continued with a sample lesson from the study guide including a Biblical reflection, readings from the cookbook, an activity and discussions followed by plenty of time to ask questions. Each participant was provided with a notebook including the study guide and other references. Participants were asked to bring a copy of the cookbook if they already own one.
There is no set fee for attending this training. We request that you consider offering a monetary gift to EcoFaith Recovery which will help defray costs of materials and other expenses while furthering the growth of this ministry. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.