Introducing Allie Knofczynski our new Communications Intern!

Since I’m sure you’ll soon see a lot of my work around this neck of the woods, it’s about time that I formally introduce myself and share my gratitude for becoming a member of the EcoFaith community.

EcoFaith Recovery truly resonates in my heart as a calling for individual and collective compassion. As a student at the Chaplaincy Institute, I knew early on that “spiritual care” was bound to take another form in my vocation. Rather than being drawn to hospital or hospice settings, I see the greatest needs for spiritual care right outside our windows.

We’re in an ecological crisis, and that speaks to a deeper crisis of lost connection. The relationships we hold with ourselves, one another, nature, and God are in need of recovery. In the depths of our essence, we’re beckoned to seek unity with all. I believe that in all of creation, its many intricacies and mysteries, we can see God. Approaching environmental justice through the lens of spirituality provides healing and connection beyond our vision. That’s why working with EcoFaith Recovery feels so natural and invigorating to me.

Prior to heeding the call to ministry, I graduated from the University of South Dakota with my Bachelor’s degree in Media & Journalism and International Studies. One might call me a “hummingbird,” finding passions among a variety of areas. On top of ministry, I consider myself an activist for social and environmental justice, wanderluster, creative writer, yogini, and enthusiast of podcasts and oldies music.

To say I love writing is an understatement: I see written communication as the best way I articulate myself and can fully express my many thoughts. My voice feels strongest when writing about important causes, such as the non-profit organizations the Peace Corps, the Borgen Project, and NAMI. Besides these past roles, I currently create content for my own website Finding Soulace, including weekly blog posts, social media messages, and YouTube videos.

I soothed my travel bug (for now) by studying a semester in Quebec, Canada, as well as serving as an elementary teacher for a year in American Samoa with the organization WorldTeach. After returning to the States this past summer, I trained to become a certified yoga teacher, a passion I spark on a weekly basis with two different classes.

My adventure with EcoFaith Recovery will entail not only streamlining the current communications of the organization, but also uplifting the Community Carbon initiative for further growth and impact. I also hope to continue discerning my path as a spiritual leader, taking inspiration from current EcoFaith leaders in what it means to take faith into action.

Simply the opportunity to be present in this calling I care so deeply about is a blessing beyond words. As an autistic adult who has struggled with mental illness most of my life, stumbling upon EcoFaith’s website was what I believe as a sign from God to pursue this path of eco-justice ministry. I’m so blessed and grateful, and I truly look forward to growing with you.

– Allie Knofczynski


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Introducing Our New Communications Intern!