Welcome to the Internship Hub 

Here you will find the resources, forms, and other documents you will need for your Practicum.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Pastor/Organizer – Robyn Hartwig at PastorRobyn@ecofaithrecovery.org

Admin and Communications Coordinator – Li Mattson at Office@ecofaithrecovery.org

Internship Practicum Rhythm & Requirements

Tracking Forms

Practicum Weekly Form
Practicum Monthly Form

[aio_button align=”center” animation=”pulse” color=”purple” size=”large” icon=”none” text=”Bi-Monthly Form” relationship=”dofollow” url=”https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScBnnSYAW8fkO-wFVznEqF7HyyGv5CCJmg8M8ECSYI0IlRYzQ/viewform?usp=sf_link”]

(Use the above link to submit your Bi-Monthly Form and Resource)

Important Documents

[aio_button align=”center” animation=”pulse” color=”purple” size=”small” icon=”none” text=”Internship Practicum Booklet” relationship=”dofollow” url=”http://www.ecofaithrecovery.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Internship-Practicum-Booklet-2.pdf”]

[aio_button align=”center” animation=”pulse” color=”purple” size=”small” icon=”none” text=”Supervisor Permission Form” relationship=”dofollow” url=”http://www.ecofaithrecovery.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Supervisor-Permission-Doc.pdf”]

[aio_button align=”center” animation=”pulse” color=”purple” size=”small” icon=”none” text=”EcoFaith Practices Booklet” relationship=”dofollow” url=”http://www.ecofaithrecovery.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/1.-CURRENT_-Practices-Booklet-for-Website-12.2017.pdf”]

Guidelines for Submitting a Blog Post

The purpose of your reflections is to share with the broader EcoFaith Recovery community any of the following:

        o An introductory piece about who you are and what you will be doing on your internship

        o Information about what you are engaging during your internship and what you are learning

        o A question upon which you are reflecting because of your internship

        o A topic you would like to invite the larger EcoFaith Recovery community to explore with you

        o An event or action associated with your internship and the reason you would like to invite others to join you

        o A story about an experience you had on your internship

        o A reflection upon an EcoFaith Recovery leadership Practice that you have been learning from the EcoFaith community or exploring independently

        o A description of any next steps you plan to take after your internship

• You may feel free to offer blog posts that arise out of any written updates or longer reflections

Email your blog copy and possibly a photo to Office@ecofaithrecovery.org

This page is a hub for your internship practicum documents and forms on the website, however please remember to check off your To-Do’s on Basecamp.