Hi EcoFaith friends,

Our meeting Saturday was spirited and productive even with an August attendance level. “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

We continue our organizing for the imminent campaign to get PCEF passed. (Hey, that put a song in my head!) Our acting together (practice 5) for this part of the campaign will have three themes. Of course, you are welcome to engage directly with the campaign on other actions such as public canvassing, phone banking and data entry.

Our EcoFaith Recovery themes are described below. The first two themes have a time-sensitive aspect, so please take a look at the requests below.

First, we’re gathering formal endorsements from clergy for the very important voter pamphlet. We have a good list of clergy to contact and we want more! We have a communication kit here (which may need to be tailored), a tracking list here and the form is here. Please ask your clergy to add their name to the PCEF faith-based statement in the voter pamphlet (statement below). The required form MUST be returned to the PCEF campaign office by August 28th.

Second, we will hold PCEF information sessions at our faith communities, as well as invite ourselves to other faith communities where we have relationships. We’ll be contributing to the campaign’s goals for house parties, relationship development and pledges to vote ‘Yes’. Please begin planning for a session at your faith community and recruiting a team for it. Consider contacting another faith community where you have a relationship. Remember, voter pamphlets are mailed on Oct 17 and there are only have six Sundays available between Sept 8 and Oct 14.

Third, we aspire to develop relationships with frontline peoples. This is long-term work with an objective to establish one or two co-mentoring relationships with a community or individual who benefit from PCEF. There is no detailed timeline for this action and no goal for a number of pledges. It’s about connecting, deep listening and new relationships. You’ll be invited on the journey and any connection ideas are welcomed!

Let’s reengage today to get PCEF passed! Blessings for the remainder of your summer.

It’s Time to Reengage to Get PCEF Passed! Alison Wiley, EcoFaith Leader from Lincoln Street Methodist in Portland (August 17, 2018)
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