Hello fellow leaders!

My name is Bradley and I’m part of the 2016 Eco-Faith internship cohort. There have been so many challenges and twists and turns in my journey of finding a way to instill meaningful community changes. I was relatively new to the food movement when I started the internship and had vague ideas of what I wanted to do. I have been very flexible throughout the process and my plans have changed at least 10 times. I am happy to announce that my diligence, patience, and flexibility have paid off.

About two weeks ago I made a connection with someone in my area that developed an aeroponics growing system. By what I believe to be divine intervention of perfect order I have miraculously acquired full funding to buy an extensive system and begin changing the food landscape of my community entirely. It turns out my guardian angel/investor, who also funded my ability to participate in the internship, has cut the hair of a close family member of the developer for over 50 years. What a small world! There are no accidents.

I am sharing this with you all for encouragement. Prayers work. I believe God, the universe, however we word it, is with us as we move our desires for sustainability and justice to tangible realities. Things may look bleak, but we will win this fight. It’s a promise.

Much love to you all. Keep up the good work justice warriors.




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Sharing Success (by Intern Bradley Seibel)