13346424_1026080114134629_2754640082324908963_nEditorial note: Chloe is one of our EcoFaith Recovery intern. This is her first blog post. Welcome Chloe!

When I first started this EcoFaith Recovery internship, I had recently graduated from West Linn High School and was looking to fill my summer time (along with a day shift at Jimmy John’s). Currently, I’m enrolled in California Lutheran located in Thousand Oaks and manage my internship project long distance. As of late July, I have been apart of the EcoFaith Recovery team for more than three months. During this moderate span of time, I have become accustomed to the different aspects of the website and WordPress itself. My internship goal was to improve EcoFaith’s online presence, through social media, a website revamp, and Eco-Reformation Practice inspired Youtube videos.

Before I took the plunge of becoming an intern, I was aiming to reduce summer boredom and accomplish something that would look good on college applications. But with the continual website updates, and my mom Julie Mankin and Pastor Robyn’s support, I have dramatically increased my knowledge of WordPress and even have come to enjoy it. When I used to run into coding errors or interface glitches, I would ask the help of my mom (who is a professional website designer), but now I feel capable of solving my own problems or search out the help I need via yahoo answers. Don’t get me wrong, I still call my mom at odd hours of the night when I’ve accidentally crashed the entire site.

An idea that Pastor Robyn, my mom, and I have been brainstorming since the beginning of the internship was the use of Youtube videos to increase the awareness of awesome things that are happening through EcoFaith Recovery. Once Winter Break rolls around and I have enough time to totally renovate the website (with my mom’s help), we are planning to create an entire page dedicated to the sharing of Practice videos. I believe this will strengthen the understanding of what EcoFaith aims to do and encourage other people to become involved.

When I eventually complete my eighty internship hours, I will have gained insight on how to construct a clear and organized website and how to market and promote an idea. In a couple months, I hope to meet with other interns, film and edit their Practice videos, and upload them onto the new website.


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The Art of Website Design (by Intern Chloe Mankin)