Michelle PiscitelliEcoFaith Recovery Intern Michelle Piscitelli is working and collaborating with our other high school interns Chase Isaacson and Haylie Isaacson on the Returning to the Rhythms of God retreats offered throughout 2016. Read her reflection on the first retreat here.

In my opinion, the second EcoFaith Recovery retreat, “Breathing In, Speaking Out, and Watching for the Wind” went really well. This time around I wasn’t as nervous to be speaking in front of everyone. I was more nervous reading something I had personally written. But I got it over with, and learned that I really enjoyed doing it. It was something close to my heart and I felt a relief when it was out there for the people to hear. My favorite part about the retreat was reading out the creation story with Haylie. I enjoyed the style of the way we read it, each taking a turn while Dave acted out the story with his props. He made the story come to life in a way I had never seen before. I felt that this time around for the retreat, people listened more then they spoke out. They were still engaged but they did it in their own way so that was refreshing. This retreat was a great experience, from the one to one’s or walking to the pond or even eating lunch! (YUM)

But my other favorite part would have to be getting to create our own art with our breath. It was a creative idea and we got to take ownership over where we wanted the paint to go. I hadn’t experienced that yet so it was fun. We all interpret art in different ways; we all see something unique so it was great to hear what everyone thought. Overall this retreat could not have gone better. I loved everyone’s smiling faces and I’m so blessed to have been apart of it!

Stay tuned for more from our high school interns.

downloadWant to know more about our internship program?
Join us on Thursday, June 16th for the kickoff of the EcoFaith Institute/Intern cohort weekend with a BBQ at our Intern Coordinator Dave Pritchett’s house in north Portland! Arrive anytime after 6pm. Bring a side to share. We will provide burgers and veggie burgers.

If you don’t know much about the Internship Program EcoFaith Recovery offers this is a great night to come out! Five new interns will be starting their projects by participating in the Weekend Institute (June 17-19). This Institute will immerse participants (including both interns and open to non-intern participants) into the culture, practices, and mission of EcoFaith Recovery.

Full details here.


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EcoFaith Intern Michelle Piscitelli Breathing In, Speaking Out, and Watching for the Wind Retreat reflections