Portland March for Climate Justice
Tilikum Crossing Bridge
Portland Oregon
Saturday, December 12
Gather at 11:00 a.m.
This Saturday, December 12th, the day after the UN Paris Climate Talks conclude, people all across the world are taking to the streets to make sure it is the people who have the last word. We know that climate leadership is coming from the ground up. In Portland, we’ll gather at the base of the Tilikum Crosssing Bridge for the Portland March for Climate Justice. There will be a short rally with music and speakers before we march across the bridge in a call for climate justice. (See the map below)
Leaders in EcoFaith Recovery are encouraging each other to assemble teams from their faith communities.Please join us! What gift will your community/team bring to the march? Remember, EcoFaith is not a collection of individuals. We are leaders in recovery, and the way we recover hope, imagination and spiritual/relational power is by using the Practices for Awakening Leadership to organize teams from our communities to take public action for the common good. Even bringing one or two other people with you can count as a team from your community! Thank you to the Wilderness Way Community who will be bringing the gift of song and music to share with us and all who gather to march. All EcoFaith leaders are invited to gather with their teams at 11:00 a.m.
Bring a drum, bucket, percussion instrument, or spatula and pan! We will rehearse at 11:15 a.m. While gathered there we will receive further instructions on how EcoFaith connected teams are invited to participate. If you are trying to find the EcoFaith contingent of teams, just listen for the percussive noise!
Schedule of Events:
The pre-rally will then begin at 11:30 am.
The begins rally at noon
The march kicks off at 12:30 across Tilikum Crossing Bridge.
Following the march we will gather on the other side of the bridge to debrief.
This event has only arisen on short-notice. Thank you to our Beyond Fossil Fuels leadership team for getting out the word to us so that we can organize our teams to bring our own unique gifts and join the EcoFaith network and so many others in bringing music and our other gifts to the march. We know many other organizations will be bringing many other gifts to the communal march.
What will you and the team from your congregation/community bring!?