We restore our bodies and spirits, practicing Sabbath and regaining a balance of work and rest, as modeled in Scripture and creation.
We receive and offer support to one another as we seek to practice healthy rhythms and restore balance in our lives.
We incorporate Sabbath practices into the culture of our communities, honoring the limits of both human and earth’s capacity, and our need for restoration.
Public Sphere
We intentionally practice healthy cycles of public engagement, participating in organized actions while also taking time to celebrate, grieve, and restore our energy, in keeping with the Sabbath rhythms of the God of creation.
Resources for Using Practice Seven
Red River Prayer by Samuel Lockridge
Restore Balance Reflections at the End of Meetings
Find more Practice Seven resources here.
Liturgy for Earthkeeping
A Liturgy For Earthkeeping was commissioned in honor of Luther College’s sesquicentennial. It is resource for congregations and ministries to help strengthen connections between sustainability, liturgy, spiritual formation and joyful stewardship.
“Hope of All Creation” Sheet Music
— Purchase the Leader Edition and Audio Tracks (External Link)–
Special thanks to Hans Peterson and Dakota Road for this beautiful gift.