Celebrating EcoFaith Recovery’s 2020 Impact
During this unprecedented year, the leaders of EcoFaith Recovery have stepped up to engage in The Practices for Awakening Leadership to face climate injustice in many ways.
This year alone, EcoFaith Recovery has Acted Together to…
JUST VOTE – Engage in the political arena in our public action, relationship building, and storytelling, through our most recent Just Vote: Harnessing Our Values for Climate & Racial Justice initiative. We mentored one another on effective action to take during 2020’s election season so that the next administration will reflect our values more deeply in support of climate and racial justice. We are now creating a campaign to support the integrity of the election and democracy post-election day.
COMMUNITY CARBON – Sequester carbon in the ground through the study and practice of Carbon Gardening and our Community Carbon initiative. You can find many helpful articles on our blog from the St. Andrew Community Carbon team on how to compost, save water, reduce waste, and much more.
STORYTELLING – Tell our climate justice stories through the three-part Storytelling Training. Marshall Ganz says, “Stories not only teach us how to act – they inspire us to act.” And using his public narrative format, we trained a cohort of leaders in how to craft and tell a powerful personal story in the service of campaigns they are working on now and in the future. The training recordings and the material have been made available for leading this training to your community, you can find this here.
FILM DISCUSSION – Foster important conversation and reflection through climate justice film discussion. We screened the documentary The Human Element and prepared leaders in how to have an effective climate justice discussion through a film screening. The script and recording is available here.
And much more you can find on the website here.
We also Celebrate Our Past Interns, including those that completed their internships during 2020…
[pdf-embedder url=”http://www.ecofaithrecovery.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Celebrating-EcoFaiths-Interns-2012-2020.pdf”]
Your financial contribution and partnership makes all of this possible. EcoFaith Recovery is 100% donor supported at this time. Please consider donating today to continue this important work recovering human life and healing God’s creation.
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