This event kicks off Creation Justice Advocacy 2021 – Learn More Here
Thank you to all those that participated in our Sound The Alarm Action! We had over 16 faith communities and organizations showing up in support of 100% Clean Energy for All! We joined online and safely in person to shout, bang, clang, and make some holy noise to sound the alarm on our climate crisis. Hundreds of people of faith reached out to our local legislators to call on them to take bold action in support of our climate and our future.
Watch the full compilation video here
Sound The Alarm on March 11th
Will you organize your community to join the global action to “Sound the Alarm” about our climate crisis? People of faith from all over the world will publicly sound the alarm on March 11th at 11:00am through bells, drums, shofars, voices, pots/pans, other noise makers, and through taking action in community. This action is inspired by GreenFaith’s Global Day of Action and kicks off our organizing work during the legislative season in partnership with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) in support of 100% clean energy for all. You can take action right now with your fellow EcoFaith leaders using the three easy steps below to organize your own community.
We have important organizing to do during this legislative session!
Questions? Contact
How to Sound the Alarm :
- Organize & Publicize Your Sound the Alarm Event
- (March 11th at 11:00am is the global action day and time. You may also do it earlier and help us generate advanced publicity and inspire other communities to join us!)
- Host Your Event
- A. Gather and Sound the Alarm
- (In whatever way is right for your community.)
- B. Make a Short Video of Your Community
- (No more than 10-15 seconds, saying “[community name] demands 100% clean energy for all.”)
- C. Call Your State Legislator Together
- (Say, “Hi, we are calling from [community name] and there are [number of participants] of us here. We are calling in support of 100% Clean Energy For All.” If in Oregon, refer to House Bill 2995.)
- D. Invite Folks to EMO’s Creation Justice Training
- A. Gather and Sound the Alarm
- After your event submit video to EcoFaith and upload it to social media
- (Please include hashtags #Faiths4Climate, #SacredPeopleSacredEarth and tag @ecofaithrecovery, @e_m_oregon, @greenfaithworld)
[aio_button align=”center” animation=”pulse” color=”orange” size=”medium” icon=”none” text=”Find Your Legislator” relationship=”dofollow” url=””]
Customizable Bulletin/Newsletter Insert Text – for you to edit as desired:
Will you join [insert name of your community here] as we Sound the Alarm about the global climate crisis? On March 11th, 2021, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) and EcoFaith Recovery will kick off our statewide legislative organizing by participating in GreenFaith’s Global Day of Action. People of faith from all over the world will publicly sound the alarm of our climate crisis using bells, drums, shofars, voices, pots & pans, and/or other noise makers, and by taking a simple action together. Our community’s Sound the Alarm event will take place on [insert date and time] when we will gather [insert where your in person or virtual gathering will take place]. During this 15 minute gathering, we will make a 10 second video to submit to EcoFaith Recovery’s video compilation project, call our elected leaders asking them to support “100% clean energy for all,” and encourage one another to attend EMO’s Creation Justice Advocacy 2021, a free virtual training on March 11th at 7pm. Thank you for acting together to support 100% clean energy for all by 2035! For more information contact [insert name and contact info for your community’s event organizer] and/or visit
March 11th Global Action
Organize Your Event
- Decide on in-person or online event
- Decide on how you will “Sound The Alarm”
- Ring the bell?
- Blow the shofar?
- Public prayer or song?
- Beat on drums or pots & pans?
- How will you publicly sound the alarm on the climate crisis?
- Publicize your event and invite your community
- Make sure to have the phone number for your legislator for the day-of action. (Use the legislator for the location of your faith community building)
Take Day-of Action
- Gather safely on March 11th at 11:00am (or time of your choosing)
- Take a short 10 -15 second video of your community Sounding the Alarm (see video best practices below)
- Make sure to include the phrase: “[Faith Community Name] demands 100% clean energy for all.”
- If meeting IN-PERSON
- Call your legislator as a group.
- Identify your faith community and how many people are represented on the call.
- Say, “Hi, we are calling from [name of community] and there are [number of participants] of us here. We are calling in support of 100% clean energy for all. ” If In Oregon, refer to House Bill 2995.
- If you reach a representative – you can pass the phone around so people can say their names, or say as a group, “[community name] demands 100% clean energy for all.”
- If you get the voicemail – say “hi” as a group to show them you are there together.
- If meeting ONLINE
- Call your legislator and do the above with having everyone come off Mute.
- OR direct participants to email their legislator right then in support of 100% Clean Energy for All.
- Event host can demonstrate how to do this live while sharing the screen.
- Please invite participants to join the Creation Justice training at 7:00pm PST that evening (March 11th). Sign up HERE.
Submit Your Video
- Make sure to submit your Sound the Alarm video to EcoFaith HERE.
- Post your video to your social media with the hashtags #Faiths4Climate, #SacredPeopleSacredEarth, @ecofaithrecovery, @e_m_oregon, @greenfaithworld
[aio_button align=”center” animation=”pulse” color=”black” size=”medium” icon=”none” text=”HOW-TO DOCUMENT: Shooting a video of your action” relationship=”dofollow” url=””]
[aio_button align=”center” animation=”pulse” color=”red” size=”large” icon=”none” text=”Submit Video HERE” relationship=”dofollow” url=”″]